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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Rule of Fear...

"It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government."

Alexander Hamilton  
Though I may not agree with Hamilton's agreement with fiscal policy during his time, he had things absolutely right when it comes to the state of our Government.

Smaller Government is always better, and bigger is badder.

That quote could not be any more applicable than now.  As you have seen over the past two months, the idea of big government is becoming less and less popular... people are waking up to the fact that a big intrusive Government is causing all of our problems... not solving them.

Here is where we stand everyone... this Friday automatic budget cuts are going to go into effect that the President says will "cripple us"...if the "republicans" don't go along with his plan! If you want to read more you can see the state by state break down here;

But ... this needs to happen...! We are at such a point in our finances in the country that we cannot allow our Government to live outside their budgets any more.  There is a reason that the President and the Government cannot get a budget they agree on; the limited amount of tax income we have coming in is not anywhere near sufficient to cover the absurd expenditures that they are spending on wars, social entitlement programs and wasteful projects.

I have detailed out for you before how the Government should compare their budget against a household budget, lets review again.... because I feel the message isn't getting across;

Once again I am going to simplify the Federal Governments budget as a simple house hold budget;

Let's say your family has an annual income of; $21,700
And every year you spend $38,200.00

What if you had a credit card... and you used it.... a lot?

In fact you used it so much you racked up a debt of ; $16,500
How would you pay for it?  Did you and your spouse talk about it?  Then what if you decided to only cut $850.00 from your annual budget... Doesn't really make an impact on the debt huh?  This would crush any American family... it is crushing American families.
But let's add some zeros and see the full impact to our nation;
2013 ESTIMATED U.S. TAX REVENUE: $2,170,000,000,000
2013 FED BUDGET: $3,820,000,000,000
NEW DEBT: $1,650,000,000,000
NATIONAL DEBT: $14,271,000,000,000
"SEQUESTER" BUDGET CUTS: $85,000,000,000

The "sequester" isn't going to do anything to stop the bleeding that is the Government's budget! Its a drop in the budget!  The sequester is a farce!

Think about it... We are still going to be massively in debt and not be able to do anything about it... it is mathematically impossible to fix it...!  Renowned economist and investor Jim Rogers recently said this in an interview with the web site;

"The United States is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. Our debts are skyrocketing every year and nobody’s doing anything about it. Every country in history that’s gotten into this situation has had a crisis or a semi-crisis, or both. In 2002 we had an economic slowdown, which was fairly serious, and then in 2007 and 2008 we had another one, which was worse because the debt was so, so, so much higher.

The next time around the debt is going to be that much more catastrophic."

Why are we not learning yet? This and other "sequesters" must take place...! These cuts will sting and in some cases make life very uncomfortable for some. 

We don't have a choice... we have to make these cuts and many, many others like them in order to maybe even stand a small chance to prevent terrible, dire economic consequences.  But can we do this as a nation united....

I don't believe we can and this is why...

Greed is getting in the way... The President is using his greed to get his way with his politics... the American people are using greed to abuse their government!

Right now over 46.37 million Americans are on Food stamps and other supplemental assistance programs because; A.) there is no work and, B) a better section of those people know and make this a life style and are too lazy to go look for work.  The problem is astronomical and growing. 

Just recently in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas ... some families were getting as much as $7000.00 in food stamps.... in Texas!
Now... back to the point at hand and today's news.  The President today is using fear to shape this nation, he is telling you that criminals will go free, that it will take 5 hours to get molested by the TSA at your local air port, and even that teachers will loose their jobs, families will starve and the world will end!

Guess what...? If our leaders don't get their backsides in gear and work towards some type of common good, seriously reduce their spending and cut unnecessary waste... all those items above will happen and worse. 

But fear is an effective weapon... its a historical weapon! 

Fear was used against the Jew's during WWII;

When Hitler and the Nazi party rose to power, they decided that fear and force could be a brutal weapon that could keep the entire public in line.  They created the "storm" trooper and SS as well as the Gestapo... Fear created instability, it also created reliance on the state for everything!  When people were fearful they looked to the Government to bail them out!  Their jobs, their food, their clothes and their homes were controlled by a Government who used fear to rule and if they didn't comply... well off to the "detention camp" for you.

Obama is using this same tactic... he wants people to be afraid... he wants it to look like the world will end on Friday if he and his liberal progressive partners don't get what they want!  They want people to be so piss-your-pants afraid that they will call their Congress People and Senators to tell them to go along with Obama's plan... because his plan will keep moving us "forward"...

The economy is a fragile thing... it's held together by stitches made of lies and band-aids where we should have gauze to stop the bleeding all done up by a surgeon who knows nothing of business and everything of socialism.  

I know that time is very, very short before something pushes us into the event... but in this case I am going to ask you to refrain from calling your State Senators and Representatives... we need these cuts... we need our leaders to be more fiscally responsible! We need to go through this pain!  This cannot go on forever... we cannot continue to reckless spend and not expect that China and Russia won't go after us on a currency war.... we cannot expect that our involvement in wars that are none of our business won't come back to bite us in the back side... we cannot expect that turning our nations face away from God and and serving our own interests wont cause us harm in the long run!


I cannot warn you more any more sternly than I already am!  You need to ready yourself... you need to make sure that you are getting your heart right with God and your family ready to tackle what is about to come our way... 

Until next time...


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